
Beauprez won't rule out run for U.S. Senate, or even Governor

Speaking on the syndicated show “Ransom Notes” (heard locally on 710 KNUS), former U.S. Congressman and GOP candidate for Governor Bob Beauprez said, “I’m going to keep the window open,” with regards to entering a number of upcoming elections. Specifically, he would not rule out a run for the U.S. Senate, or perhaps more surprising, would not rule out even another run for Governor.

If he runs for U.S. Senate, Beauprez would be taking on incumbent Democrat Mark Udall, who already has $1.3-million ready to go in the campaign war chest, as recently reported by Fox 31.

Beauprez currently publishes a conservative journal, Line of Sight. Beauprez ran for Governor in 2006, eventually losing to Bill Ritter.


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