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Colorado Springs Utilities CFO placed on administrative leave

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO — Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) Communications Manager Mark Murphy confirmed to Complete Colorado today that Chief Planning and Finance Officer Tamela Monroe was placed on administrative leave September 11 by CSU Chief Executive Officer Aram Benyamin.

After telling Complete Colorado in an email that the utilities enterprise “does not discuss personnel matters,” Murphy provided Complete Colorado with a brief statement saying, “Such action was undertaken for administrative and personnel reasons. Though such action was taken in the best interest of the organization, it was not taken on account of any suspected or established financial impropriety or irregularity.”

Tamela Monroe

Ms. Monroe was hired Jan. 29, 2018 by former CSU CEO Jerry Forte Jr. who said in a press release at the time, “I am thrilled to have Tamela join our organization. She is a seasoned business development professional…What I’m most looking forward to is her experience in closing aging coal plants, working with RTOs (Regional Transmission Organizations) and working in economic development.”

Monroe holds a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and accounting from Northwest Missouri State University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Creighton University.

In the press release Monroe said, “All of us in the utilities industry understand the rapidly-changing issues that all utilities face. Colorado Springs Utilities is in excellent financial condition and is well positioned to meet those challenges.”

Monroe replaced Bill Cherrier, who left Sept. 20, 2018 to become CEO of the Central Iowa Power Cooperative.

Attempts to reach Ms. Monroe for comment have been unsuccessful at press time.

This story will be updated as new information becomes available.





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