Coronavirus, Denver, Featured, Governor Polis, Sherrie Peif

Groups opposing Polis COVID mandates plan march to ‘end the madness’

DENVER — Several organizations aimed at fighting against Gov. Jared Polis and the nearly 200 executive orders he has signed into law since taking office 19 months ago are planning a large march in Denver to “end the madness.”

Keep Colorado Free & Open, Re-Open Colorado, FEC Colorado, Patriots Against Polis, and #WalkAwayColorado, are sponsoring a “100,000 Person March” from 1-5 p.m., Sept. 13, for “citizens across Colorado who believe it’s time to end the madness,” a news release said.

The event will take place somewhere in the Denver area, but no details were given. The release said more information would be announced the day before the event and encourage people to watch the organizations’ respective websites for up-to-date details.

“These sponsors contend that there is no emergency and therefore no reason for churches, schools and businesses to remain restricted from operating at full capacity with no restrictions,” the release said.

The groups to date have had previous rallies, marches and protests across Colorado showing opposition to mask mandates, business shut downs and other orders Polis has enacted in response to coronavirus.

According to the release speakers will include

  • Syndicated columnist and activist, Michelle Malkin,
  • Founder of Re-Open Colorado & FEC United Joe Oltmann
  • Recent #WalkAway residents from Colorado.

“Enough is enough,” the news release reads. “Colorado is fed up! Stand up and march with us to show Polis that Colorado is done, and it’s time to get back to normal! No more lies! No more restrictions.”

For more information:


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