Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, leftist, radical, activist college students at Columbia University have lost their collective minds (as have other groups of this ilk elsewhere.) There’s no other way to say that. Their organization calls itself Columbia University Apartheid Divest, self-described as “a coalition of student organizations that see Palestine as the vanguard for our collective liberation.” The coalition’s mission statement declares, “We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization.”
That’s quite an undertaking. What is this great evil? Well, as the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization at the University of Colorado-Boulder describes it, “Western civilization refers to the art, literature, culture, and enduring ideas that emerged from the eastern Mediterranean basin in the centuries before the common era, that developed in myriad forms through the Middle Ages, and that ultimately took modern shape after the Renaissance. From the intellectual speculation of the Greeks emerged the philosophic and scientific thought of Latin and Arabic culture, and eventually the ideals of the early modern Enlightenment. From the Hebrew Bible grew the faiths of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and the ethical framework of modern society. From Greek art and literature emerged the masterpieces of the Renaissance and beyond.”
Do they prefer Communist China, North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or Somalia? How about Islamism and Hamas? The coalition is made up mostly of women. Would they like to be forced to wear a Burka and live under Sharia Law? They don’t understand what they’re against or what they’d replace it with. But don’t just write them off as a bunch of crackpots. I mean they are crackpots, but still capable of immense disruption and damage. They claim to be “a coalition of 116 different organizations” that represent “thousands of Columbia students across nine different schools.” The group includes Young Democratic Socialists of America, Columbia Queer and Asian, African Students Association, Columbia Social Workers for Palestine, Black Student Organization, Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice For Peace, Reproductive Justice Collective, Columbia Chicanx Caucus, Black and Latinx Student Organization, The Columbia Review, CU Amnesty International, Barnard Garden Club, Poetry Slam, WBAR Radio, “and many, many, more,” they claim.
If this crowd had any sense or practicality they’d spend a lot less time protesting and eradicating Western Civilization, and a lot more on their studies so they can get a job after graduation. Do their parents feel they’re getting a good return on the exorbitant cost of a college education — and grad school?
Their goal is taken right out of the playbook of the Muslim Brotherhood describing its “Civilization-Jihadist Process” for America: “The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood opposition movement) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western Civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Destroying Western Civilization is just the start. “Islamists” is the term used to describe a maniacally radical faction of Islam arch-fundamentalists whose interpretation of the Koran condemns all non-Muslims as infidels, non-believers, who must be either subjugated or exterminated through jihadist warfare. It’s not clear how many of the word’s 1.4 billion Muslims are Islamists but however large it is, they’re the self-proclaimed mortal enemies of the world’s 7 billion non-Muslims. (And even moderate Muslims who are insufficiently murderous.) Hamas in Gaza is the worst example of this mentality. And that’s who these student imbeciles are rooting for in their war to exterminate the Israeli infidels.
By contrast, here’s an eloquent, humanitarian benchmark in Western Civilization’s evolution toward religious coexistence. Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander was one of a long line of Roman Emperors. He presided from A.D. 222-235. Although a very young man he was exceptionally intellectual, well-studied in Greek and Latin literature, history, and philosophy. He was polytheistic, honoring and respecting diverse religious faiths, and believed all religions prayed ultimately to one supreme power. In his private chapel, he had icons of numerous traditional Roman deities, along with Abraham and Christ. He endorsed Jewish and Christian morals to the Roman people and affirmed the Judeo-Christian ethic: “What you do not wish a man to do to you, do not do to him.”Israel is willing to coexist with Palestinians; Hamas wants only to exterminate Jews. There’s a lesson here for Columbia’s poorly educated, intolerant, fanatical revolutionaries.
Longtime KOA radio talk host and columnist for the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News Mike Rosen now writes for