Gold Dome, Sherrie Peif

Senate Republicans call for Denver DA to investigate allegations of sex assault against two legislators

Denver — Colorado Senate President Kevin Grantham, alongside State Senators Beth Martinez Humenik and Vicki Marble, Colorado GOP Vice-Chair Sherrie Gibson, and members of the House Republican Caucus gathered in the West Foyer of the Capitol for the announcement, a press release from the Colorado Senate GOP said.

“As representatives of the people of Colorado, elected officials should be held to a higher standard. When allegations of unwanted sexual contact are raised, we have no doubt they should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. That is why today, we are calling on Denver District Attorney, Beth McCann, to launch a full-scale investigation into these allegations of sexual harassment by both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in both chambers of our legislature,” said Senate President Kevin Grantham.

See the full release here.


3 1 18 Assault Release by Complete Sherrie on Scribd


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