Media, Politics

VIDEO: What is this Complete Colorado thing?

If you are reading this, then thanks.

Thanks for helping make Complete Colorado a place where many thousands of Coloradans regularly check in for their news fix. Between the important stories of the day from around the state offered on the main page, and our own original reporting and commentary here on Page 2, we want to be your one-stop-shop for Colorado news.  Plus, it’s been shown that being a regular Complete reader makes you both smarter and better looking.

We also hope you tell a friend or two about Complete Colorado, and if they ask what it is, we have that covered. In a fit of self-indulgence, the editors of Complete Colorado recently sat down with Jon Caldara on his public affairs TV show Devil’s Advocate (airs Friday nights at 8:30 on Colorado Public Television) to talk about Complete; what it is, why we do it, and why it matters.  That video is below and we hope you enjoy it.


Our unofficial motto at Complete Colorado is “Always free, never fake, ” but annoyingly enough, our reporters, columnists and staff all want to be paid in actual US dollars rather than our preferred currency of pats on the back and a muttered kind word. Fact is that there’s an entire staff working every day to bring you the most timely and relevant political news (updated twice daily) from around the state on Complete’s main page aggregator, as well as top-notch original reporting and commentary on Page Two.

CLICK HERE TO LADLE A LITTLE GRAVY ON THE CREW AT COMPLETE COLORADO. You’ll be giving to the Independence Institute, the not-for-profit publisher of Complete Colorado, which makes your donation tax deductible. But rest assured that your giving will go specifically to the Complete Colorado news operation. Thanks for being a Complete Colorado reader, keep coming back.

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